Start selling printable planners, digital planners, calendars, and journals with our easy-to-use commercial use CANVA planner templates! We’ve created commercial use printable planner templates using CANVA.  You can use these commercial use planner templates to create creative printables, printable planners, and journals to sell, use in your business, or for personal use.  Includes Canva Template Links and PDFs. 

You will have full commercial use on all the template treasures. However, you cannot resell the raw documents, templates, and/or images to any other authors with commercial use rights. This means you can use them to create your own end-product to sell or give away, but not create a PLR or Commercial Use product to sell. Also, you may not extract illustrations, artwork, or backgrounds for use in other products you create.  The completed product can be sold or given away in PDF format and may also be made into a physical or POD product Text and images can be edited/deleted. 

These templates can be branded as your own as a completed product and can be added to paid or free membership sites   They can be bundled with other products in PDF form.  They cannot be copyrighted.  You cannot share the download page with others. You cannot pass on the PLR rights to others whether for sale, for free, or in a membership site. You must sell or give away a completed product only. The Canva templates, and image files may not be passed on.  The Graphic elements cannot be deconstructed or extracted to use in other projects .  You Cannot use  Seaside Printables on the name on the finished product.